40 April Fool’s Day Trivia Questions

Get ready to unravel the whimsical world of April Fool’s Day with these intriguing trivia questions. As the first day of April arrives, it brings with it a tradition of jests and surprises that have bewildered and amused people across cultures for centuries.

April Fool’s Day, celebrated globally, is a day when pranksters and jokesters reign supreme. Originating from various sources, including the Roman festival of Hilaria and the change of calendars, this day offers a platform for creativity and cunning antics. It’s a day when the ordinary becomes extraordinary and even the most skeptical are caught off-guard by well-crafted deceptions.

Uncover the fascinating tales behind peculiar traditions, historical hoaxes, and comical concoctions. Delve into the history of pranks, from the spaghetti tree hoax to the legendary left-handed Whopper.

Whether it’s fish-shaped confections or square watermelons, this collection of trivia will introduce you to the lighter side of history.

So, prepare to be both entertained and educated as we navigate through the curious and amusing realm of April Fool’s Day.
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April Fools Day Trivia



#1. In which month is April Fool's Day celebrated?

#2. What is the traditional prank performed on April Fool's Day in which someone is sent on a futile task to find something that doesn't exist?

#3. Which country is believed to be the origin of April Fool's Day?

#4. What is the term for a person who falls victim to an April Fool's Day prank?

#5. What is the name of the popular April Fool's Day candy that looks like a vegetable but is actually a candy-coated chocolate treat?

#6. In the United Kingdom, what is the traditional end time for playing pranks on April Fool's Day?

#7. Which famous fast-food chain once claimed it was changing its name to "Pancake King" on April Fool's Day?

#8. What is the name of the April Fool's Day prank that involves taping down the nozzle of a sink's sprayer?

#9. In Italy, April Fool's Day is known as "Pesce d'Aprile." What does "Pesce d'Aprile" mean in English?

#10. Which famous tech company once claimed to have developed a smell-sending device called "Google Nose" on April Fool's Day?

#11. What is the term for a false news story or prank published on April Fool's Day?

#12. In which classic Shakespearean play is the character Malvolio tricked with a fake love letter as part of an April Fool's Day prank?

#13. What is the name of the fictional holiday celebrated in the TV show "The Office," where pranks are played on coworkers?

#14. Which animal is often associated with April Fool's Day pranks in the form of a fake creature or story?

#15. What is the name of the traditional April Fool's Day dish that consists of a whole pie with the word "FOOL" written on it?

#16. In which classic fairy tale is the character Pinocchio known for telling lies and pranks, making him a fitting character for April Fool's Day?

#17. What is the term for a prank where a person's shoes are filled with something unpleasant, such as whipped cream or jelly?

#18. In France, what do people traditionally tape to the back of others on April Fool's Day as a prank?

#19. What is the name of the famous newspaper that published a fake article about the discovery of a civilization on the moon on April Fool's Day in 1835?

#20. Which classic novel by Mark Twain features the character Tom Sawyer playing pranks and tricks on people in his town?

#21. What is the name of the April Fool's Day prank that involves putting plastic wrap over the toilet seat?

#22. In which animated TV show does the character Bart Simpson often play pranks and tricks on his family and friends?

#23. What is the term for a prank phone call made on April Fool's Day?

#24. In which European country is it common to celebrate April Fool's Day by sticking a paper fish to someone's back as a prank?

#25. What is the name of the April Fool's Day prank that involves changing the time on someone's clocks or watches to make them late?

#26. Which famous scientist once played a prank by releasing fake footage of "flying penguins" on April Fool's Day?

#27. What is the term for a prank in which someone's belongings are hidden or replaced with humorous or unexpected items on April Fool's Day?

#28. In which classic children's book by Dr. Seuss is the character Gertrude McFuzz known for playing a trick on her own tail feathers?

#29. What is the name of the April Fool's Day prank that involves putting salt in the sugar bowl or vice versa?

#30. In which classic comedy film does the character Ferris Bueller play an elaborate prank on his school for April Fool's Day?

#31. What is the term for a prank where someone's car is covered in sticky notes or another material as a surprise on April Fool's Day?

#32. In which classic novel by Charles Dickens is the character Mr. Pickwick the victim of an April Fool's Day prank involving a fake duel?

#33. What is the name of the April Fool's Day prank that involves filling a room or office with balloons or other objects?

#34. Which famous fast-food chain once claimed it was introducing a "left-handed burger" on April Fool's Day?

#35. What is the term for a prank involving a fake insect or spider placed in a location to surprise someone on April Fool's Day?

#36. In which classic comedy film does the character Lloyd Christmas play a prank by trading briefcases with another character on April Fool's Day?

#37. What is the name of the April Fool's Day prank that involves putting clear plastic wrap over a doorway or entrance?

#38. In which classic children's book by E.B. White does the character Templeton the rat play pranks and tricks on the other animals?


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