40 Movie Quotes Trivia Questions

Welcome to our ultimate Movie Quotes trivia. Here you will be tested on how much you know about famous movie quotes, who said the words, and what you learned from them.

The questions carry lots of fun facts and fascinating information you would not want to miss. You will be tested on one-liners and powerful monologues from your favorite movies.

Whether you are a movie connoisseur or want to challenge your knowledge of famous movie quotes, these 40 fun questions will be perfect.

To play this trivia, tick the correct answer from the multiple choices. You only have one chance per question; therefore, be decisive. These questions suit everyone, including children.

If you crave more interesting trivia like this, check out our 40 Karate Kid trivia questions, 40 Bob Dylan Trivia Questions, and 40 Cookie trivia questions.

Without further ado, below are the 40 Movie Quotes trivia questions

Movie Quotes Trivia



#1. I'm the dude. So that's what you call me. That, or His Dudeness.

#2. Hasta la vista, baby.

#3. Go ahead, make my day.

#4. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.

#5. I am serious. And don't call me Shirley.

#6. You talking to me?

#7. You had me at 'hello'.

#8. I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is.

#9. They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!

#10. You're gonna need a bigger boat.

#11. I'll be back.

#12. You can't handle the truth!

#13. I'm walking here!

#14. Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get.

#15. My precious.

#16. I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

#17. E.T. phone home.

#18. Why so serious?

#19. Here's Johnny!

#20. Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.

#21. I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight.

#22. I'm the king of the world!

#23. May the Force be with you."

#24. I volunteer as tribute!

#25. I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.

#26. I see dead people.

#27. Show me the money!

#28. There's a snake in my boot.

#29. I feel the need... the need for speed!

#30. Houston, we have a problem.

#31. There's no place like home.

#32. Here's looking at you, kid.

#33. To infinity and beyond!

#34. I'll have what she's having.

#35. I'm king of the world!

#36. There is no spoon.

#37. Elementary, my dear Watson.

#38. You can't buy happiness, but you can buy cake, and that's kind of the same thing.

#39. I am your father.

#40. There's no crying in baseball!


Final Thoughts

These fun trivia quizzes will help you learn about different cultures, periods, and ways of life. They will also make you want to rewatch a movie you watch in the past.

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