40 Easter Trivia Questions

Step into the delightful world of Easter trivia with 40 captivating questions that unveil the mysteries behind this joyous holiday. From egg hunts to religious traditions, these questions will intrigue and challenge your knowledge of Easter’s diverse customs.

Easter, a Christian holiday celebrated worldwide, commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Its date varies annually, falling on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox. Beyond its religious significance, Easter has also embraced secular festivities, such as egg painting and bunny-themed decorations.

Explore the origins of Easter eggs, discover the symbolism of the Easter bunny, and unravel the traditions that span cultures and centuries. From Pagan rituals to modern-day celebrations, these trivia questions offer a fascinating glimpse into the multifaceted tapestry of Easter customs. Whether you’re an enthusiast or a curious learner, these questions will deepen your appreciation for this vibrant holiday.

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Easter Trivia

#1. In Christianity, Easter celebrates the resurrection of whom?

#2. What day of the week is Easter Sunday traditionally celebrated on?

#3. What is the term for the 40-day period of fasting and penance leading up to Easter?

#4. Which animal is often associated with Easter due to its symbol of new life and rebirth?

#5. What is the term for the painted and decorated eggs that are associated with Easter celebrations?

#6. What is the name for the Thursday before Easter, commemorating the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples?

#7. What is the term for the Christian holiday that falls on the day before Ash Wednesday, marking the end of the Carnival season?

#8. What is the term for the Sunday before Easter, commemorating Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem?

#9. What flower is often associated with Easter due to its symbolism of purity and resurrection?

#10. In many cultures, what activity is often associated with Easter involving children searching for hidden eggs?

#11. What is the name for the Friday before Easter, commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ?

#12. Which Roman governor ordered the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, as described in the New Testament?

#13. In which gospel of the New Testament is the story of the resurrection of Jesus Christ commonly found?

#14. What is the term for the traditional practice of eating a festive meal on Easter Sunday?

#15. What is the term for the custom of exchanging small gifts or chocolate eggs on Easter?

#16. Which event in the Bible is often cited as a precursor to the Christian celebration of Easter?

#17. What is the term for the candlelit service held on the night before Easter Sunday, representing the resurrection of Jesus?

#18. Which gospel recounts the story of Mary Magdalene visiting the tomb of Jesus and finding it empty on Easter morning?

#19. What is the term for the week leading up to Easter, beginning on Palm Sunday and ending on Easter Sunday?

#20. What is the term for the Christian feast that follows Easter Sunday, celebrating the return of Jesus to heaven?

#21. In some cultures, what is the term for the traditional Easter cake that is often shaped like a lamb?

#22. What is the name of the garden where Jesus is said to have been buried and subsequently resurrected?

#23. What is the term for the day following Good Friday and preceding Easter Sunday?

#24. What is the term for the practice of coloring hard-boiled eggs and rolling them down a hill as part of Easter traditions?

#25. What is the term for the colorful, hollow chocolate eggs often exchanged as gifts during the Easter season?

#26. In Western Christianity, the date of Easter is determined using which calendar?

#27. What is the term for the Christian season of preparation and fasting that leads up to Easter?

#28. Which apostle is traditionally depicted as carrying a key and a book in art, symbolizing his role in the early Church?

#29. In Christian tradition, what is the term for the cloth that was said to have been used to wrap the body of Jesus after his crucifixion?

#30. What is the term for the special meal that Jesus is believed to have shared with his disciples on the night before his crucifixion?

#31. Which apostle is often depicted with a staff and a fish, symbolizing his role as a fisherman and one of Jesus' disciples?

#32. In many cultures, what is the term for the special bread that is often baked and eaten on Easter Sunday?

#33. What is the term for the ritual washing of the feet that commemorates Jesus washing the feet of his disciples?

#34. Which apostle is known for initially doubting Jesus' resurrection but later became a staunch believer?

#35. Which apostle is known for initially doubting Jesus' resurrection but later became a staunch believer?

#36. In some cultures, what is the term for the custom of lighting a large bonfire on the night before Easter Sunday?

#37. What is the term for the religious observance that follows Lent and lasts for 50 days, ending on Pentecost?

#38. Which apostle is traditionally depicted holding a book and a sword, symbolizing his role as an evangelist and martyr?

#39. In some cultures, what is the term for the tradition of performing plays or reenactments of the Passion of Christ during Holy Week?

#40. What is the term for the Christian holiday that commemorates the visit of the Three Wise Men to the baby Jesus?

#41. Which apostle is often depicted carrying a saw or a scroll in art, symbolizing his role as a carpenter and writer?


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