40 Coffee Trivia Questions

How much do you know about coffee? Here you will get many questions to test your knowledge about your favorite beverage and delve deeper into its history and unique flavors.

Coffee is one of the most loved and popular beverages in the world. It has a lot of facts, some known while some unknown.

It is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans and has a stimulating effect on humans due to its caffeine content.

People of all ages and cultures also enjoy this beverage. It is a popular drink for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

So, if you are a coffee aficionado or just looking to test your knowledge, try these trivia questions.

Coffee trivia questions will help you learn more about this beverage and will also help you test your knowledge of coffee and see who knows the most. You are provided with the questions and required to tick only the correct answer.

You only have one chance per question, so be extra careful. Are you looking for more trivia? Check out our 40 Chuck Norris Trivia Questions, 40 James Bond Trivia Questions, and 40 Monopoly Trivia Questions to test your knowledge.

Coffee Trivia



#1. Which country is the largest producer of coffee in the world?

#2. What is the primary species of coffee that is commercially culti

#3. Which process involves soaking coffee beans in water to remove the caffeine?

#4. What is the Italian term for a single shot of espresso?

#5. Which type of coffee is brewed by forcing hot water under high pressure through finely ground coffee?

#6. Which African country is known for its distinct coffee ceremony?

#7. What is the process of gradually decreasing the temperature and humidity of green coffee beans called?

#8. What is the term for the layer of foam on top of a freshly brewed espresso shot?

#9. Which coffee drink consists of equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and foamed milk?

#10. What is the chemical compound responsible for coffee's stimulating effects?

#11. Which famous coffee brand originated in Seattle, Washington?

#12. What is the term for the roasted coffee beans before they are ground?

#13. Which type of coffee is known for its strong, bold flavor and higher caffeine content?

#14. What is the process of roasting coffee beans to a dark brown color, giving them a rich and bitter taste?

#15. Which beverage is made by combining espresso and steamed milk, with a layer of microfoam on top?

#16. Which country is famous for its unique coffee shops called "kopi tiam"?

#17. What is the term for the fragrance and aroma of brewed coffee?

#18. Which coffee brewing method involves pouring water over coffee grounds held in a filter?

#19. What is the term for the process of tasting and evaluating coffee's flavor characteristics?

#20. Which coffee drink is made by adding hot water to espresso?

#21. Which country is known for its coffee farming on the slopes of the Andes Mountains?

#22. What is the term for the tiny hole in the lid of a coffee cup that allows for drinking without spillage?

#23. Which brewing method involves steeping coffee grounds in cold water for an extended period?

#24. What is the term for the process of grinding coffee beans immediately before brewing?

#25. Which coffee drink is made by adding chocolate syrup and steamed milk to espresso?

#26. Which type of coffee is known for its earthy and herbal flavor profile?

#27. What is the term for the layer of sediment at the bottom of a cup of Turkish coffee?

#28. Which coffee brewing method involves immersing coffee grounds in water and then pressing them with a plunger?

#29. What is the term for the process of adjusting the grind size of coffee to control extraction?

#30. Which coffee drink is made by adding steamed milk and foam to a shot of espresso?

#31. What is the term for the roasted coffee beans after they have been ground?

#32. Which coffee origin is known for its fruity and wine-like flavor notes?

#33. Which coffee drink is made by adding hot water to instant coffee powder or granules?

#34. What is the term for the process of exposing green coffee beans to hot air to remove moisture and bring out flavor?

#35. Which coffee brewing method involves using a cloth filter and a slow drip of water?

#36. What is the term for the device used to extract coffee from ground beans in an espresso machine?

#37. Which country is known for its tradition of serving coffee with cardamom?

#38. What is the term for the process of releasing trapped carbon dioxide from freshly roasted coffee beans?

#39. Which coffee drink is made by pouring a shot of espresso over a scoop of vanilla ice cream?

#40. What is the term for the scale used to measure the strength and intensity of brewed coffee?


Final Thoughts

I hope you had fun and learned more about this delicious beverage. Remember, you can always play this trivia with your kids, adult friends, and family members because they suit everyone.

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